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Collecting a sample is easy

Our home PFAS test uses a special microsampler to make collecting your blood sample as easy as possible

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At home PFAS testing

Preparing to take the sample

First you prick your finger with a lancet

Unpack your kit and check the contents

It comes with the sampler in a foil package; 1 Gauze pad; 2 bandages; 1 alcohol prep wipe; 1 sample label; 3 sterile lancets; a prepaid mailing label; and a mailing envelope

Collect a few drops of blood on the VAMS devlce

Prepare the sampler

Open the sampler, uncap the lancet, and open the wipes, gauze and adhesive bandages. Lay these out carefully on a table so they are ready to use.

Mail the sample back to us in the provided mailer bag

Clean your hands

Wash your hands with soap and warm water and dry them. Rub your hands together to make sure they are warm. If you have poor circulation, try shaking your hands at waist level for a minute or do some gentle exercise.

Collecting your sample

First you prick your finger with a lancet

Clean your finger and prick with lancet

Clean the tip of the middle or ring finger on your non-dominant hand using an alcohol wipe. Use the lancet to make a prick to one side of the center of your finger tip.

Collect a few drops of blood on the VAMS devlce

Wipe away the first blood drop

Let the first drop of blood form and wipe it away with the gauze. The gauze should be disposed of.

Mail the sample back to us in the provided mailer bag

Collect your samples

Hold the sampler as shown in the video and touch the first tip to the drop of blood. Hold it until the tip is completely filled with blood, wait for 2s, then move the tip away. Repeat for all 4 tips.

Returning your sample to the lab

First you prick your finger with a lancet

Close and label your sample

When you have collected your sample, click the cartridge container closed. Write the following details on the label: First and last name; Contact phone number; Date of birth; Time you finished collecting the sample. Stick your completed label over the Neoteryx label on the cartridge (don't cover the ID label on the back)

Collect a few drops of blood on the VAMS devlce

Seal the sampler in the pouch

Put the sample cartridge back in the silver sample bag, making sure the desiccant card is still inside.

Mail the sample back to us in the provided mailer bag

Return to our lab within 24 hours

Finally, put the sealed sample bag in the return envelope, close the envelope and put the return label on the outside. You can return it at any USPS post office or post box. Please mail the sample on the same day you collect it.


What to do if you are having problems

It’s important you collect at least 2 good samples. The lab will reject samples that are not good.

First you prick your finger with a lancet


There are 2 common reasons to not collect a full sample: Removing the tip from the blood drop before it has completely turned red; or insufficient blood flow (see below).

First you prick your finger with a lancet


A bad sample happens when there’s too much blood on the sampler tip. This  happens when you put the tip of the device too deep into the blood, if you try to drip the blood onto the tip, or when you hold the tip facing upwards and hold the tip to the blood drop

Collect a few drops of blood on the VAMS devlce

What if I can't collect enough blood?

You may have insufficient blood flow. If this happens, try massaging from the base of the finger up to the tip and touch the collector to the blood again. If there is still not enough blood, you can try pricking another finger.
